
Sunday, February 1, 2015

So what is a "kittycatmonkey"?

You might wonder how I came up with the name of my blog. Some may think I've lost my mind or couldn't think of anything and just put a bunch of words together. Both are true. I recently had another baby, Lucy, who's my second. My older daughter Isla was in her room one day and was playing with the stuffed animals on Lucy's shelf. There was a pink dog she picked up and kept insisting it was a cat. Lucy was meowing like a cat at the time too and Isla was talking to her and said "Lucy, you're a Kitty-Cat-Monkey". Somehow that stuck and she continued to call her that for a couple more weeks. Since then I keep thinking about how silly it was at the time, but has turned into a reality. Lucy still meows and makes cat noises, and Isla is definitely a monkey.

Why not name this blog after them, since I started it in the first place as a way to track a lot of the mommy ideas I come across. (Plus I had a hard time coming up with a name).

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